We hear that many people are saying that Islam is a religion of violence. We can see this in Jihad or suicide bombers etc. There are also passages in Qur’an that condemn Jews and Christians, and lower the status of non-Muslim. On the other hand, there are in deed passages that calls for compassion towards people. If that is the case, is Qur’an a holy book, or a book of Satan? What is your view?
I believe that these two diametrically opposing views have been created by looking at only one side of Qur’an and Islam. For example, people who believe that Islam is religion of violence looks at suicide bombers and some verses inciting violence in Quor’an only. The Bible also, in the Old Testament, includes many instances of violences. In Numbers 25, Phinehas, a priest, killed with one single speear, a man and a woman. Also, in 1 Samuel 15, Saul was ordered to kill all Amaleks, old & new, men & women, including cattles. What is the differnce? The Bible provides the context why these things happened, but Quor’an does not nearly no background for these violence verses. Therefore people interprete them in their own liking.
Those Quor’anic verses that call for compassion are used by moderate Muslims to defend their positions. However, these passages are “ignored” by both outsiders who call Islam as a violent religion, and those Muslims who practice radical side of Islam. Therefore, these moderate Muslims voices are muffled.
Now what can we do to rectify this situation? That should be the real question.
Frank C