
COTARI is a nonprofit organization under IRS code 501 (c)(3) and has public charity status under IRS code 170 (b) (1) (A) (vi), and received the tax exemption status. Likewise, it also received tax exemption status from California Franchise Tax Board (FTB) under California Revenue and Taxation Code 23701d. COTARI is classified as an organization that does religious research.

We, at COTARI, believe that reaching peoples of other religions and persuading them to come to Jesus Christ with the gospel is the most important last step in fulfilling the Great Commission. However, throughout the world, Christianity has great difficulty penetrating any countries dominated by so-called great religions of the world. We can see this in Islamic countries, India, South East Asian countries where Buddhism is dominated, and even in free countries such as Japan and Taiwan where nothing can stop Christian missionaries from evangelizing people there. Here is a puzzling dilemma: Christians endeavor to evangelize people in those areas, but people over there are not willing to listen to Christian messages. Why? Why are missionaries after missionaries failing to reach peoples of other religions? Why do the conventional methods of evangelism and mission fail to deliver the message of love of God to these peoples? This is why COTARI was founded in 2010. We need to find out what approaches could appeal to peoples of other religions. COTARI is performing research to find the approaches appropriate for reaching peoples of other religions. For this purpose, COTARI is planning to provide interpretations of other religions’ scriptures through the Bible, and to hold mission seminars to discuss these research results, to mention a couple of COTARI projects. In order to carry out these projects, resources are needed.

Now we ask you to consider supporting the efforts of COTARI. Of course, you have no obligation to do so unless you feel that you want to help COTARI in your heart. Personally, I felt that my life was purified whenever I read the Word of God and I felt joy in my heart whenever I worked for the Lord. The Lord gave me the life mission to reach out for peoples of other religions. I cannot forget the voice I heard and the vision He showed me! The ministry I have through COTARI gives me joy in my life.

If you have any questions on COTARI regarding the work we do and how we manage things to do the work of the Lord, please contact us. We are more than happy to give you answers to any questions you might have. We do believe that God works through nature as well as people. When you decide to support or work with COTARI, we would know that God is working through you. We want to share with you the joy we have in our hearts.

To donate with a personal check, mail it to:

P O Box 262
Gilroy, CA 95021
To donate in person, please hand your cash or check to a COTARI staff member. To donate with a credit card or PayPal:
 Donate by PayPal

5 thoughts on “Donate

  1. Hello, Mr Choe,
    We were so happy, when Lisa told us of your up coming wedding. My wife, Ruby was present at her birth and helped her mother to raise Lisa (long history to the present time).
    We want to support your ministry each month and to hold those in your work in prayer.
    Lord’s richest blessings.
    Brian and Ruby.
    P.S. Ours will be sent by check.

    • Dear Mr and Mrs White,
      We sincerely thank you for your donation. In a way, you are doing “double” donation. Once allowing me to marry Lisa who is so precious to me and would become a valuable asset to COTARI and then by actually giving us cash donation now. I am hoping that Lisa and I could visit you sometimes after we are settled. Thank you again.

    • Thanks for visiting our website.
      You asked me to teach you to read and understand. Are you talking about reading the Bible and understanding the Bible?

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